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The table shows additional events of this promotion within one month of the current event's date.
House shows are not shown.
Displaying items 1 to 56 of total 56 items that match the search parameters.
DateEvent NameEvent type  RatingVotes
30.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
30.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
30.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
30.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
29.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #219TV-ShowCard   
23.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
23.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
23.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
23.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
22.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #218TV-ShowCard   
21.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Mayhem 1999Pay Per ViewCard 4.3135
15.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #217TV-ShowCard   
11.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #89TV-ShowCard   
11.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #88TV-ShowCard   
09.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
09.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
09.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
09.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
08.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #216TV-ShowCard 2.127
01.11.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #215TV-ShowCard   
28.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #87TV-ShowCard   
28.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #86TV-ShowCard   
26.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
26.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
26.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
26.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
25.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #214TV-ShowCard 5.335
18.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #213TV-ShowCard   
14.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #85TV-ShowCard   
14.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #84TV-ShowCard   
12.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
12.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
12.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
12.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
11.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #212TV-ShowCard   
04.10.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #211TV-ShowCard   
30.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #83TV-ShowCard   
30.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #82TV-ShowCard   
28.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
28.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
28.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
28.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
27.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #210TV-ShowCard   
23.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #81TV-ShowCard   
20.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #209TV-ShowCard   
16.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #80TV-ShowCard   
14.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
14.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
14.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
14.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
13.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #208TV-ShowCard   
12.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Fall Brawl 1999 - "Sting & Hogan Brawl For It All!"Pay Per ViewCard 4.3726
09.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Television TapingTV-ShowCard   
06.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #207TV-ShowCard   
02.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #79TV-ShowCard   
02.09.1999World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #78TV-ShowCard