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116.03.2024Rjepic16.0I actually thought this was a pretty solid opening episode of Velocity; especially keeping in mind Velocity was only a C or D level show in the grand scheme of things. The Tajiri vs Billy Kidman match was easily the best thing on this show, and was actually a very good match. It's so weird to jump forward to this period of time and see around when they were establishing the original brand split. The commentary low-key sucks on this show, but I half tried to ignore it. A women's title match on this show would be cool if it wasn't a bra and panties match that doesn't age well. Hardcore Holly vs The Big Valbowski was probably the weakest taking into account where women's wrestling was at the time. If you just like seeing good matches I'd say watch the opening match then turn this off.
205.11.2023Professor Voodoo6.0A solid start to a B show that ended way too soon. The Kidman/Tajiri match was solid cruiserwight action, and worht your time. Holly/Val was good for what short time it had, though Holly winning off a dropkick made me chuckle. Trish/Stacy was living proof that some things are more than fine staying in the past, and I'm glad Trish got that cage match against Becky recently. Ah how time flies. 6.75/10
425.06.2023crs2855.0Pretty much what is expected of a show like Velocity. More about what has happened on the associated shows that weak with 1 good match and 2 short matches. The opener was good, better than I expected. Holly v Val was what I expected especially with the time they had and the main event was bad, only saving grace was it being short.
526.10.2021TigerDiver6.0I'd say check out the first match and you can pretty much skip the rest. As a whole, it was a solid and fast-paced show overall, but not a remarkably impressive debut for Velocity or anything.
604.10.2021Sebastian V2.0Der Opener ist das deutlich längste und auch deutlich beste Match der Show und somit MOTN - dennoch hätte ich mir da irgendwie mehr erwartet denn mehr als solide war es eben auch nicht in meinen Augen. Hardcore Holly gegen Big Valbowski war für die Länge ein ziemliches 08/15 TV Match und das einzig Positive was ich über das Bra and Panties Match sagen kann ist, dass es schnell vorbei war. Ansonsten hat man hier vor Allem Zweitverwertung betrieben und insgesamt war das gerade auch für eine erste Ausgabe einer Weekly mangelhaft, sodass ich 2 Punkte für angemessen halte.
721.06.2021XXDoubleHHXX1.0The one point is for Tajiri and Billy Kidman doing their best to put on a interesting match but it just wasn't clicking. Bob Holly vs Venis was short but honestly I couldn't stand it for much longer. The bras and panties match was disgusting but Stacy Keibler had a nice spinning kick. The worst thing about this show is it's commentary, Al Snow vs Michael Cole not a good idea.
815.02.2021BLooD3.0Schlechte Ausgabe von Velocity. Der Opener war in Ordnung. Das erste Match der neuen Show ist schon überzeugend gewesen. Die Cruiserweights dürfen ja nicht lange Matches bei SmackDown bestreiten. Torrie lenkt Tajiri ab und so konnte Kidman Tajiri einrollen. Holly vs Big Valbowski war schlecht. Absolut nichts tolles. Holly siegt mit einem lahmen Dropkick. Der Main-Event war sehr schlecht. Bei SmackDown groß gehyped und dann nur zwei Minuten. Lächerlich. Auch die Rückblicke zwischen den Matches tun der Show nicht gut. Man konnte Jakked behalten aber WWE will eine neue Show präsentieren aber mit selbem Inhalt wie die Vorgängershow. Die Show wird nicht mehr als das Heat von SmackDown.