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The table shows additional events of this promotion within one month of the current event's date.
House shows are not shown.
Displaying items 1 to 27 of total 27 items that match the search parameters.
DateEvent NameEvent type  RatingVotes
30.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #78EventCard   
30.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #77EventCard   
30.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #76EventCard   
28.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #75EventCard   
25.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #74EventCard   
22.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #73EventCard   
22.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #72EventCard   
22.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #71EventCard   
21.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #70EventCard   
13.03.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #69EventCard   
29.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #68EventCard   
24.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon Future Star Vol. 6EventCard   
22.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #66EventCard   
17.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #65EventCard   
17.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #64EventCard   
15.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #63EventCard   
12.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #62EventCard   
10.02.2008Ice RibbonBig Japan Pro-WrestlingNEO Women's Pro Wrestling Ice Ribbon The NEO 3x3EventCard   
07.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #61EventCard   
01.02.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #60EventCard   
29.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #59EventCard   
26.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #58EventCard   
26.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #57EventCard   
18.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #56EventCard   
14.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #55EventCard   
14.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon #54EventCard   
05.01.2008Ice Ribbon Ice Ribbon Future Star Vol. 5EventCard