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The table shows additional events of this promotion within one month of the current event's date.
House shows are not shown.
Displaying items 1 to 35 of total 35 items that match the search parameters.
DateEvent NameEvent type  RatingVotes
26.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
26.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
25.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #102TV-ShowCard 6.9518
23.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
21.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Clash Of The Champions #35TV-ShowCard 6.3026
18.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #101TV-ShowCard 5.8311
12.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
12.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
11.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #100TV-ShowCard 5.6912
09.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Road Wild 1997Pay Per ViewCard 4.9448
04.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #99TV-ShowCard 6.4716
30.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday Night TV TapingEventCard   
30.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
22.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #97 - Tuesday NitroTV-ShowCard 5.6516
15.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
15.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
14.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #96TV-ShowCard 5.7314
13.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Bash At The Beach 1997Pay Per ViewCard 6.3446
08.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday Night TV TapingEventCard   
08.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
08.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
07.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #95TV-ShowCard 6.5316
30.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #94TV-ShowCard 5.6717
24.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday Night TapingEventCard   
24.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
24.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
23.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #93TV-ShowCard 5.1314
21.06.1997World Championship Wrestling nWo Vs. WCW Take Over Tour '97 - Tag 2TV-ShowCard   
16.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #92TV-ShowCard 5.4116
15.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
15.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW The Great American Bash 1997Pay Per ViewCard 5.6548
11.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
11.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
09.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #91TV-ShowCard 7.7123
02.06.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #90TV-ShowCard 6.1816