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This table shows the active championships and champions of the promotion at the beginning of the show.
Title changes during the event are not considered here.
WCW World Tag Team ChampionshipThe Filthy Animals (Juventud Guerrera & Rey Mysterio Jr.) (3)14.08.2000  (22 Tage)7.3354
WCW Hardcore ChampionshipNorman Smiley (2)14.08.2000  (22 Tage)2.7752
WCW World Heavyweight ChampionshipKevin Nash (5)28.08.2000  (8 Tage)6.7787
WCW World Cruiserweight ChampionshipElix Skipper14.08.2000  (22 Tage)9.0555
WCW United States Heavyweight ChampionshipLance Storm18.07.2000  (49 Tage)7.8049